During this time of year, part of the fun is waiting for Christmas Day to come. It's the anticipation for that special day of being with family and friends, of surprises and cheer and of celebrating the birth of our Savior. It's all so sad when the day goes by way too fast. *Sigh* So, enjoy and savor every moment of the season.


" Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Okay, so the blackout was a big problem for everybody,okay? But, I don't blame them, 'cause one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you."
Egon Spengler: Very good Louis short but pointless."
haha It's funny but this quote never fails to give me a chuckle. I've been rackin' my brain trying to figure out a topic for my podscroll and I guess I've let myself get distracted by movie quotes. haha


Ahh, December has come yet again and I must admit that I still can't believe how fast the year has gone by. I mean, I have two weeks, yes--that's two weeks left of my very last semester at UVU. Graduation is swiftly coming upon me and it kind of makes me anxious. But, that's where the simple things comes in. I do simple things to make me feel more relaxed. I listen to nature and to rain on my ipod, I watch a good movie or tv series (lately it's been Who's the boss and Dr. Who!) ummmm....what else?? i really could go on....At times I feel as if I'm slowly going crazy....:)