"That's right, Single Awareness Day is this weekend and I know that a lot of you are groaning that you're going to be alone. So here's my advice: get some chocolate, popcorn and a movie; you'll have a blast! You'll still be alone, but you'll have a blast!" 
~Brother Marsh, BYU Professor 
Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of Valentine's Day I've decided to write a little story about myself with the aid of pictures. Is for fun..... Click on the pics to start. I apologize in advance that the pics aren't very big. I'll have to fix it later. It was a last minute idea. ;0)  

"When I was younger I hated going to weddings. It seemed that all of my aunts and the grandmotherly types used to come up to me, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, " You're next! " They stopped it after I started doing the same things to them at funerals."
~Author Unknown 
2/15/2010 10:20:37 am

That last quote cracked me up! lol Cute story and the use of the pics was really creative. :) And yes, you can still have fun on V-day without needing a special someone...you can do whatever YOU want too. :) What movie did you watch? That is, if you followed your own advice...hehe ;)

2/16/2010 12:05:56 pm

I think that I finally decided on watching 'Maverick' with Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster and a Jane Austen flick 'Northanger Abbey'. I was sick so I rested a lot too. Sad, but true. ;) oh well.


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